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Organization Profile

City of Alexandria-Environmental Policy Commission


The Alexandria Environmental Policy Commission (EPC) was established under Chapter 4, Article M, of the City Code to ?advise and make recommendations to the City Council and, where appropriate, to the Planning Commission and City Manager. The Alexandria City Council established the EPC in 1970 to advise and make recommendations to the City Council and City Manager, where appropriate, on matters relating to the following: - Clean air - Land use - Noise pollution and abatement - Pesticides, herbicides and contaminants - Solid waste - Water quality and supply - Other matters referred to the EPC by the City and citizens - Other topics relating to the conservation and protection of Alexandria?s environment The EPC consists of 13 members, including five members from the field of environmental sciences, five citizen-at-large members, one member from the field of urban planning, one student attending high school in the City of Alexandria and one member with experience in Federal or state environmental statues, regulations, and procedures. The Commission is supported by the City of Alexandria Department of Transportation and Environmental Services (T&ES), Office of Environmental Quality.

Children & Youth Education, Environment, Health & Wellness, Sports & Recreation
Families, Immigrants, Refugees or Ethnic Groups, Low-income Communities, LGBT(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,Transgender)
Alexandria, VA, 22314

Common Messages