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Resources for Volunteer Management

Each volunteer hour in 2023 = $31.80 (The Independent Sector)

If you recruit volunteers, coordinate events, or manage a nonprofit, consider the benefits of the Volunteer Engagement Training Program (VETP), which was developed by Points of Light and its HandsOn Network affiliates like Volunteer Alexandria.

Upcoming Lunch and Learn Sessions for Volunteer Coordinators

February 20th - How to Accommodate Volunteers with Disabilities

Creating an inclusive environment benefits everyone. Discover strategies and best practices for accommodating volunteers with disabilities and ensuring that everyone can contribute meaningfully to your mission.

March 13th - Skilled Volunteer Engagement: Using Specialized Talent

Tap into the potential of skilled volunteers to advance your organization’s goals. Learn how to identify, recruit, and effectively engage volunteers with specialized talents in areas such as IT, marketing, and finance.

April 17th - Volunteer Engagement Training Program Speed Training

In this dynamic and fast-paced session, dive into essential volunteer management topics, including creating meaningful roles, crafting compelling descriptions, and building targeted recruitment strategies. Perfect for both new and experienced coordinators.

May 15th - Incorporating Youth Volunteers and Service Projects

Engage the next generation of changemakers! This session will cover how to design impactful opportunities for youth volunteers, including tips for tailoring service projects to their unique skills and energy.

Volunteer Management Guides


Online resources

  • Energize, Inc., www.energizeinc.com.  Susan J. Ellis's site, "especially for leaders of volunteers."  Includes a volunteer management bookstore, library, referral network, job bank, monthly essays with responses welcomed, etc.
  • E-Volunteerism, www.e-volunteerism.com.  This “electronic journal of the volunteer community" is edited by Susan J. Ellis and Steve McCurley.  It includes articles, discussion groups, and other information on volunteer management.  
  • Service Leader’s Virtual Volunteering Project, www.serviceleader.org/virtual. The Virtual Volunteering Project provides resources for two kinds of volunteer services: Technical Assistance, which includes online research or providing particular expertise to the agency; and Direct Contact, which connects the volunteer and client via email, chat room, or other media.
  • Volunteer Today, www.volunteertoday.com.  Managed by volunteerism consultant Nancy Macduff, this site is an electronic gazette for volunteerism.  Particularly helpful is the current news in the field and a calendar of events.

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