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Emergency Preparedness Training and Business Continuity Resources

Ensuring your organization's continuity in the event of an emergency is vitally important to its longevity. Whether you’re planning for a brief power outage, a major storm or a global pandemic, a well-thought-out plan will help keep you performing vital functions during a disaster.

Preparedness planning can start as simply as making sure you have a well-stocked first aid kit, setting up fire drills and evacuation plans for your building, to fully remote continuity planning after a disaster strikes. To help businesses prepare in advance and resume operations after a disaster, Volunteer Alexandria can help you plan using FEMA designed toolkits.

To help nonprofits prepare in advance and resume service after a disaster, Volunteer Alexandria conducts a series of Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) trainings that cover how to develop, implement, and maintain a basic continuity plan. When you complete this training, you’ll learn how to identify operations critical to survival, strategies key to recovery, and best practices to develop, test and implement your plan.

Email us to schedule a workshop or meeting about your emergency preparedness needs  


Here are some online resources to help your organization plan for emergencies:

Volunteer Alexandria training materials

Continuity of Operations Plan Template (Word doc)

Download your Business' Ready plan toolkit (PDF)

Visit Ready NOVA and build your plan, developed by local and state agencies. 

Small Business Association plan guidelines

These Small Business Association resources that can help you develop a plan to protect your employees, lessen the financial impact of disasters, and re-open your business quickly to support economic recovery in your community. 

Common Messages