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Business Connections

Business Connections is a fee-for-service program that offers customized employee engagement opportunities at sites throughout Alexandria and beyond. Our comprehensive project management ensures a high impact day of service that meets your employees’ expectations and furthers your philanthropic goals.

With Business Connections, Volunteer Alexandria provides:

  • Custom-tailored project design
  • Logistical details and material management
  • Start-to-finish project coordination
  • Pre-project employee orientation
  • Post-project surveys

Over the past two years, we have worked with over 40 companies and associations to manage a variety of service projects, where Business Connections volunteers have:

  • Built vegetable gardens for a homeless shelter and congregations
  • Packed 1,000 bags of canned goods
  • Installed a parking lot and cabinetry for the local Boys and Girls Club and built book shelves for children
  • Prepared mailings and delivered meals to homebound seniors
  • Beautified group homes for mentally challenged residents by landscaping and painting the outside areas

" Thank you for making our group volunteer project so easy. Since the volunteer group worked through Volunteer Alexandria, you had everything organized and ready. The day of the project you brought all the supplies and tools, including directional signs for the volunteers to show them the proper entrance. It was completely unstressful for me as the volunteer coordinator since you had done all of the logistics and planning. Your services to our philanthropic businesse and nonprofits is extremely valuable. Please continue your good work." Community Lodgings.

Our supporters embody the strong commitment to community that resonates throughout the City of Alexandria. Engagement with Volunteer Alexandria identifies your company as a leader - seeking to make meaningful contributions to the well-being of our region. It also offers a proven return on investment: employee volunteering improves retention and supports recruitment, provides valuable leadership and professional development opportunities, and strengthens talents.  Positive community visibility provides access to new markets and customers.

We provide a variety of on-site projects that are able to accommodate anywhere from 10-150 people and support the community by providing hand-made products (cards, care packages, bracelets, etc.).

Interested? Complete the Business Connections intake form and return to Marion at

Questions? Please call 703-836-2176. Schedule a meeting to discuss.

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