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ALIVE! is an interfaith and volunteer governed 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing emergency and basic needs support to children, families and individuals living in poverty and with hunger in the City of Alexandria. Founded in 1969, ALIVE! is the oldest and largest private social safety net in the City. Our services include:

  • Food Program distributes food and stocks local pantries.
  • Family Assistance Program helps low-income families pay rent and utility bills.
  • ALIVE! House transitional shelter moves women and families out of homelessness to permanent housing.
  • Housewares & Furniture Programs supply households with home essentials.

Current Volunteer Opportunities:

ALIVE Furniture Program. Picking up furniture donations and delivering them to recipients - Register HERE

ALIVE Family Assistance Program. Packers needed from 9:30 to 11:30 am to bag groceries for daily deliveries - Register HERE

West End Food Hub Assistant. Greet clients and organize hub - Register HERE

Common Messages