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Organization Profile

Founders Dog Park.Com


FoundersDogPark.com is made up of dog owners who love and use the off-leash area at Founders Park. Our goal is to advocate for the continued existence and improvement of the dog park. We are fortunate that the City has consistently recognized the value of the Alexandria dog parks and gave us responsibility for maintaining and improving it. As stewards of a public dog park in the heart of Alexandria, we are dedicated to maintaining a beautiful and safe play area for our community of dogs, dog owners, and neighbors. We sponsor ongoing clean up efforts such as the monthly Scoop The Poop and have worked closely with the city to enhance the beauty and safety of the dog park. Working closely with the city parks department and a landscape architect (and dog owner), we installed two new benches, a water fountain (for people and dogs) and planted five trees -- all paid for with private funds. join us on Facebook too, see Foundersdog park.com

Civic & Community
Alexandria, VA, 22314

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