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Organization Profile

Center for Alexandria's Children


Before the CAC opened its doors in March 2007, abused and neglected children in the City of Alexandria often had to tell their stories again and again. Following a disclosure to a teacher, a child might have to repeat the details to the principal, a school counselor, a social worker, police officers, police detectives, a child protection investigator, a nurse, a doctor, a lawyer, and others - repeatedly reliving the abuse. It was clear that if we came together as a community, we could serve these children better. The Center for Alexandria's Children (CAC) is our community's response. The CAC is a public-private partnership based on the Children's Advocacy Center Model, which has been shown to improve outcomes for families and victims of abuse. Our Center: *Minimizes trauma to the victims as much as possible by using a coordinated approach to services, meaning fewer interviews for victims and coordinated responses from all of the agencies and nonprofits that serve victims and their families. *Helps children and families heal by providing services in a safe and child-friendly environment. *Works to prevent child abuse by providing prevention programs and parenting classes. *Creates real systemic change by drawing on the expertise, resources, and influence of Alexandria's public, non-profit, and private sectors.

Children & Youth Education
Alexandria, VA, 22311

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