Organization Profile
Latin American Youth Center
http://www.layc-dc.orgLatin American Youth Center (LAYC) is a multicultural, community-based organization whose mission is to support youth and their families in their determination to live, work, and study with dignity, hope, and joy. LAYC achieves its mission by providing comprehensive, multi-lingual, and culturally sensitive programs, support, and opportunities in education, employment, social services, advocacy, and social enterprise. LAYC programs help youth become successful and happy young adults with the skills they need to succeed educational, professionally, and personally and to become engaged in their community. Our specific outcome objectives are: 1) Increased academic achievement and commitment to education, for both in-school and out-of-school youth; 2) Acquisition of career skills and knowledge for immediate employment/financial purposes and long term career development; 3) Increased awareness of the community and engagement in improving it; 4) Improved ability to initiate and sustain positive relationships; 5) Adoption of healthy habits and avoidance of risky behaviors; and 6) Increased ability to find positive solutions to the immediate needs of daily life. Latin American Youth Center is part of the LAYC Family of Organizations, which also includes the Next Step/El Pryximo Paso Public Charter School, the Latin American Montessori Bilingual Public Charter School, the LAYC YouthBuild Public Charter School, the Art and Media House, Ben & Jerryys Scoop Shops at Eastern Market and Chevy Chase, D.C., and the LAYC Maryland Multicultural Youth Centers.