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Organization Profile

F.O.R. Animals Trading as Assisisys Animal Rescue Foundation


The greatness and progress of a nation can be measured by the manner in which they keep and care for their animals." Mahatma Ghandi We are a local chapter in Northern Va that strives to change the world one animal at a time through education and rescuing those animal that are not treated well. Through our volunteers we help to create a more compassionate community not only for animals but humans alike. When abandoned pets are in need of rescuing we need temporary homes for them. You can help if you take in one of our precious little ones. This prepars the animal for his/her new home. Gives them time to find a new home. And give you the oportunity to have a pet in your home without the long term commitment and financial comitment.

Animals, Children & Youth Education, Schools
Rocky Mount,, NC, 27803

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