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Organization Profile

K.I. Services, Inc.


K.I.Services, Inc (KIS) provides a gateway to healthcare in Northern Virginia by providing outreach, education and prescreening for some chronic and communicable diseases. These resources are specifically targeted to help people of color fight HIV/AIDS, STDs and other chronic diseases. KIS provides mental health and substance abuse counseling and treatment by license professionals. KIS is unique in its approach, in that it’s the only organization in Northern Virginia providing culturally competent services and programs, which focuses all of its efforts on the prevention, education, and treatment needs of people of color living with HIV/AIDS. Advancing the overall health of at-risk HIV individuals and those living with other chronic diseases within our community. Our mission is to improve the quality of life, health, and healthcare services for those in our community most in-need through intensive and culturally specific outreach, education and counseling services.

Health & Wellness
People with Health-based Concerns

Common Messages