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Organization Profile

Titan Robotics 5587 Boosters (at Alexandria City HS)


Our mission is to support Titan Robotics, the student-led FIRST robotics team at Alexandria City H.S., as they develop STEM skills through team competitions, hands-on build, technical, business, and STEM/community outreach experiences. Sustainability is a priority so that the program may welcome all students without requiring fees to participate. Increasing access to STEM and robotics teams throughout our city and region is a program goal we support. Providing financial, logistical, mentoring, and other support to include activities consistent with the mission of supporting the team and its individual student members is our focus.

Children & Youth Education
Families, Immigrants, Refugees or Ethnic Groups, LGBT (Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual,Transgender), Low-income Communities
Alexandria, VA, 22304

Common Messages