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Organization Profile

Miracle League of Alexandria


¨ To promote physical and mental well-being fitness opportunities for the Miracle League players and their families in the City of Alexandria ¨ To eliminate the main barriers for these youth and adults that arise from playing on natural grass fields used in conventional leagues, the Miracle League program will play on a custom-designed, rubberized surface field ¨ Provide resources and networking opportunities for our special families ¨ Promote community support, partnerships and sponsorship of Miracle League of Alexandria for adaptive sports programs for youth and adults The Miracle League Program is a nationally recognized program with presently 300 plus Miracle League Organizations across the country including Puerto Rico, Mexico and Canada, while serving 250,000 plus children and adults. Presently there are two other programs in the state of Virginia (Prince William County & City of Richmond). - The program removes the barriers that keep children and adults with mental and physical disabilities off the baseball field and lets them experience the joy of America’s favorite pastime. The Miracle League is about making new friends, building self-esteem and being treated just like other athletes. - Provides children between the ages of 5 - 17 and adults 18 years & up, regardless of their ability to play Miracle League Baseball with the opportunity to hit a ball off a batting tee or pitched too depending upon ability, throw, catch a ball and score.

Sports & Recreation
People with Disabilities
Alexandria, VA, 22305

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