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Organization Profile

Nueva Vida, Inc.


Nueva Vida (New Life) is a non-profit 501(3)(c) organization founded in 1999 by Latina breast cancer survivors to fill the gap for culturally sensitive bilingual health support services offering information and referral, outreach, preventive cancer screening, support, counseling, and patient navigation. Nueva Vida informs, supports and empowers Latinos whose lives are affected by cancer, and advocates for and facilitates the timely access to state-of-the-art cancer care, including screening, diagnosis, treatment, survivorship and end of life care. Nueva Vida offers high-touch comprehensive programs dedicated to providing evidence-based interventions that support Latino families during one of their most traumatic experiences.

Health & Wellness
Immigrants, Refugees or Ethnic Groups, Low-income Communities, People with Health-based Concerns, Other
Alexandria, VA, 22314

Common Messages