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Organization Profile

Alexandria Earth Day is an annual event to teach one another how to better protect our planet for the preservation of the habitat of humans and wildlife too. We want encourage and teach how to live sustainably and responsibly, and have fun doing it. That way everyone involved will learn how to reduce their resource footprints on that very day and in the days that follow. We aim to plan a  day of education, enlightenment, and shrinking our actual footprint. This year's theme is "Climate Change - Take Action." Our 2019 celebration will feature student artistic interpretations of our theme through visual arts, poetry, and our annual “Trashin’ Fashion" show. Exhibitors and our "tent talk" speakers will educate and highlight ways that community members can improve their everyday actions. Our goal is for everyone to go home inspired to continue thinking and doing for the sake of a better future and a better Earth.

Alexandria, VA, 22314

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