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Opportunity Details

Vice President of the Beatley Central Library Board

The Friends of the Beatley Central Library is seeking candidates interested in serving as Vice President of the Board. This group is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that raises funds to support the varied missions of the Beatley Central library. Overview of Organization: The Friends is an active group of volunteers who love books and our local library. The group sorts donated books and sells them in a semiannual book sale. The proceeds from these sales and other activities support programs beyond the library’s budget, including special activities for children, teens, and adults, as well as English lessons for speakers of other languages. The group also works to increase public awareness of library services and advocates for their support. Duties of Position: The Vice President assists the President in fulfilling the latter’s duties, acts on behalf of the president in the event of his/her absence, and may also take on special projects at the request of the President. The Vice President succeeds the president in cases of resignation, disability, or removal from office. The new Vice President will receive an on-boarding package as well as support and guidance from the outgoing Vice President. Candidates will be requested to submit references. The Vice President will serve a 3-year term starting January 2024. Time Commitment: Average is 2-3 hours per month. The Board meets monthly for 1 hour, currently via Zoom. Friends members also help during twice yearly book sales. Qualifications: Candidates should have a commitment to serve the Beatley Library community and the ability to work collaboratively with volunteers. Experience in event planning or fundraising is a plus, but not required. Please apply no later than August 8, 2023 if you are interested in applying for this position.

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Civic & Community

Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+

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