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Opportunity Details

Development Committee Members

Civic Engagement is a powerful source for solving community problems, a creative use of human resources and essential for a healthy, productive, and engaged society. Since 1980, the mission of Volunteer Alexandria is to connect and match people seeking opportunities with organizations in need of human resources to support their programs and services.

We need people interested in development to help us to be a sustainable organizations. Support Volunteer Alexandria staff and the Board of Directors in fundraising effectively.

The Development Committee is responsible for creating and executing an annual fundraising plan in partnership with the Executive Director; Solicit sponsorships for Volunteer Alexandria; Provide recommendations on the fundraising/budgetary goals proposed by staff; Evaluate previous year’s fundraising strategy and contribute ideas for next year’s strategy; Evaluate special events for return on investment, lessons learned, and results; Brainstorm potential sponsors both locally and nationally; Make connections between potential donors and sponsors and Volunteer Alexandria; and provide recommendations and encourage board involvement in fundraising. The Committee currently meets monthly in the morning.

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Event Organizing,Fundraising & Campaigning

Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+

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  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

Signup Questions

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Common Messages

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